
Monday, February 13, 2012

A Letter to my Husband, Dan

Posted by Chalie at 5:38 PM
How do I begin to say thank you for twelve wonderful years of marriage? Sometimes it feels as though we are still kids, just getting to know each other and loving every minute of it. Other times I think we are already a seasoned "old" couple who have been through so much together, know each other through and through, and still anticipate the years to come.

It hasn't always been smooth sailing since we said "I do." We had no way of knowing what was ahead, but I believed you that day when we held hands and start our lives together. Our lives was not that easy and happy though. Sometimes we ran out of budget, but am so thankful that we never fight over money matters. You always took life with a positive note and that made me realize that life is great.

Due to our busy schedules, oftentimes we forgot to have our intimate moments. But you made me accept the fact, that love is not all about romance. It's more of understanding each other and accepting our own weaknesses. I know we are not a perfect couple. We always argue even on petty things. Sometimes we don't even talk for days. But i know that no matter what, we will always be there for each other.

How i wish i could spend a whole day with you, just with you. Had our own vacation away from the city where we could talk anything and everything just like the old times. To be crazy and childish just like our college days. To say what we feel, to dream our dreams together. 

Thank you for not giving up on me. Thank you for showing me what a good father you are to our two naughty angels, Dana & Vince. For loving them and giving them a good life they truly deserved. I know we had a long way to go and am ready for a whole new adventure with you. You always make me believed that " we make a good team ".

We have twelve great, memorable years behind us now and a whole lifetime ahead. Thank you for all the love!

Happy 12th Anniversary.



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